Jumat, 29 Oktober 2021

[Pos baru] How to Sell a Single Product Online with WordPress

Pos : How to Sell a Single Product Online with WordPress
URL : http://wordpress.com/2021/10/29/sell-a-single-product-online/
Ditulis : 29 Oktober 2021 pukul 1:02 pm
Penulis : The WordPress.com Team
Kategori : eCommerce

There are entire platforms dedicated to helping businesses sell thousands of items. However, if you only want to sell a single product, then these platforms can feel like overkill. 

Fortunately, it's easy to sell a single product online with WordPress.com. Let's imagine your restaurant already has a business site, but your patrons are begging you to sell your signature sauce. You want to oblige, but you don't particularly want to spend weeks learning the ins-and-outs of advanced eCommerce software. 

In this post, we'll share a quick and easy way to sell a single product online with WordPress.com with a PayPal-ready block. And, if you're not using WordPress.com, you can add the same block with a Jetpack Security or Complete plan ( https://jetpack.com/support/jetpack-blocks/pay-with-paypal/ ) . Let's get started!

How to sell a single product online

There are countless WordPress plugins that promise to transform your site into a complete eCommerce solution ( https://woocommerce.com/ ) . While this is great for building an Amazon-style store, mastering these platforms requires time and effort. This can feel like a lot of work when your entire inventory is a single bottle of sauce. 

If you have a single product, then the Pay with PayPal block ( https://wordpress.com/support/pay-with-paypal/ ) may be the ideal solution. You can use this block to add a PayPal payment button to any post or page:

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image1-1.png To access this block, you'll need to upgrade to WordPress Premium ( https://wordpress.com/pricing/ ) . This is priced at $8 per month when billed yearly:

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image2-1.png To add the PayPal block, navigate to the page or post where you want to add a product. Then, click on the + icon where you want to insert this block. In the subsequent popup, start typing "Pay with PayPal":

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image3.png Select this block when it appears. You can now create your Pay with PayPal button by entering some information about your product: 

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image9.png You'll also need to connect this block to your PayPal account by entering your email address. Then, simply publish this page — and that's it! Visitors can now purchase your special sauce. 

Six tips for selling a single product online

Adding a PayPal button to your website is only the first step. You also need to convince visitors to click on that button. With that in mind, here are six tips for selling a single product online. 

1. Embrace simplicity

When you only have a single product, you'll want to ensure that the purchasing process is as smooth as possible. This is the key to generating sales. 

If you're adding this product to an existing website, then the majority of users may not have shopping on their minds when they pay you a visit. In our secret sauce scenario, people may drop by to check out your restaurant's opening times or read the menu.

When a visitor isn't in the shopping mindset, it's vital that you grab their attention and encourage them to buy. That's difficult to achieve if you're asking them to complete a multi-step purchasing process.

With 403 million active PayPal accounts ( https://www.statista.com/statistics/218493/paypals-total-active-registered-accounts-from-2010/ ) , your customers may already use PayPal. This is a great start, as they can purchase your single product without having to create an account. But, if they don't have an account, they can still check out using a credit card.

To further simplify the customer journey, we recommend providing a clear product description. Your product page should also be prominent and easily accessible. For instance, you can include this page in your site's navigation menu or recurring elements, such as the header or sidebar. You might even feature the product on your homepage. 

2. Make shipping easy 

The PayPal block doesn't give you the option to add shipping fees at checkout. Instead, you'll need to incorporate these fees into the total cost of your product. 

To help drive conversions, we recommend presenting this as free shipping. Almost half of consumers ( https://goshippo.com/blog/slower-delivery-state-of-shipping-2019-survey/ ) prefer stores that waive shipping fees, with over a quarter stating they only purchase from eCommerce sites that offer free shipping. 

The 2019 Future of Retail report ( https://www.walkersands.com/resources/the-future-of-retail-2019/ ) also found that 77 percent of customers view free shipping as the most important factor when making purchasing decisions. By building shipping expenses into the total cost of your product, you can streamline the checkout process, while also driving conversions. 

When it's time to ship your product, you can purchase shipping labels ( https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/FAQ3852 ) through PayPal. You don't even need a special printer. 

3. Focus on customer service

Providing a good level of customer support is vital for any business. According to research, 66 percent of customers ( https://go.forrester.com/blogs/16-03-03-your_customers_dont_want_to_call_you_for_support/ ) believe that valuing their time is the most important factor in delivering five-star customer service. 


If you're going to impress, then it's impossible to overestimate the value of a speedy response. Still, smaller businesses may struggle to reply to every single query immediately. Here, it may help to set up auto-responders, using a tool such as MailPoet ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailpoet/ ) :

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image8.png Chatbots

You can also use a live chatbot for support. Tidio is a popular plugin that provides a fully customizable chatbot widget ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/tidio-live-chat/ ) :

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image7.png Support doesn't always have to involve a live representative. 73 percent of customers ( https://d26a57ydsghvgx.cloudfront.net/content/blog/Forrester%20Trends%202016%20The%20Future%20of%20Customer%20Service.pdf ) prefer to use a company's website, rather than seeking out a real-life employee. 

Online Resources

For this reason, you may want to populate your site with useful resources including FAQs, blog posts, and tutorials. It's also important to ensure that all of the information on your product page is accurate and helpful, as this can immediately reduce the number of support requests you receive. 

4. Feature reviews

Shoppers are 270 percent more likely to purchase ( https://www.digitalmarketingcommunity.com/researches/how-online-reviews-influence-sales-jun-2017-globally-spiegel-research-center/ ) a product that has reviews. When you're selling a single item, a few positive reviews could have a huge impact on your profits. 

Today, many businesses send follow-up emails to their customers, requesting a review:

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image5a.jpg You might even offer an incentive for leaving feedback, such as a coupon code. Once you've secured these reviews, you can feature them on your product's landing page.

Asking customers for feedback can feel like a gamble. There's always a chance that an unhappy shopper may take you up on the invitation, and leave a negative review.

Although it may seem counterproductive, there's evidence to suggest that the occasional less-than-glowing review may actually be beneficial. Over half of consumers ( https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2749863/2019-trustpilot/The%20Critical%20Role%20of%20Reviews%20in%20Internet%20Trust%20(UK)%20-%20final.pdf ) admit that they're more likely to purchase a product that has lots of reviews and an average rating, compared to an item that has a small number of reviews and an excellent rating.

5. Use appealing photos

The old saying is true: a picture is worth a thousand words. Since your customers cannot physically see your product, it's important to provide high-quality images ( https://woocommerce.com/posts/how-to-take-professional-product-photos-top-tips ) .

As a minimum, we recommend taking at least four photos of your product, showing each of its sides. When shooting your photos, it's important to remember that you can always downsize, but you cannot increase the quality further down the line. For this reason, it's always a good idea to capture the highest-quality image that's possible with your camera.

Adding multiple high-resolution images to the same product page can be detrimental to that page's loading times. To show off your product without slowing your site, we recommend using an image compression plugin such as TinyPNG ( https://wordpress.org/plugins/tiny-compress-images/ ) . 

6. Reach new customers through marketing

Digital marketing is crucial for getting eyes on your product and converting visitors into paying customers. If you're adding a product to an established website, then you may already have a  loyal audience. 

You can often convert these existing visitors into paying customers by promoting your product across your established channels. This might involve posting the product on your social accounts.

According to the 2019 Adobe Email Usage Study ( https://www.slideshare.net/adobe/2019-adobe-email-usage-study ) , Americans spend more than five hours checking their emails every single day. If you already have a mailing list, then this is a huge opportunity to promote your special sauce to people who have already expressed an interest in your brand. 

If you're new to email marketing, you can create a mailing list using the MailPoet ( https://www.mailpoet.com/ ) plugin. You can also grow your audience and reach new potential customers via advertising. Google Ads ( https://ads.google.com/ ) is one of the most well-known advertising platforms:

https://wpcom.files.wordpress.com/2021/10/image4.png We're also big fans of running advertising campaigns on social media. For example, with a built-in audience of roughly 2.89 billion monthly active users ( https://www.statista.com/statistics/264810/number-of-monthly-active-facebook-users-worldwide/ ) , Facebook represents a huge opportunity to draw attention to your new product.

It only takes one

You don't need thousands of products to make money online. If you're a restaurant, you can branch out into eCommerce by selling something as simple as a bottle of your homemade sauce. Or maybe you just want to sell your CD or a single ticket to an event. No matter the reason you just have one product, you can sell it online with WordPress.com.


Kelola Langganan

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